Frequently asked questions


Q: What rod size do I need as a beginner?

A: This depends on the type of water and species you are going to fish. The smaller rating of your rod against the AFTM (Association of fishing tackle manufacturers) system, the lighter the tackle. Light tackle is typically used on slower, smaller rivers for wild brown trout or grayling. 

Q: What are the main requirements for a reel?

A: The main function of the reel still reflects its traditional roots, to store your line. This has progressively developed over the years to house additional features such as the drag system. This can be a key factor in landing what you've connected with. As the line is stripped from your reel with a scream, the drag is adjusted accordingly to control the release of line. If the fish decides to take off, your reel also houses a backing line which is a back up once your mainline is out for a swim.

Q: What is a cassette reel?

A: A cassette reel is a great piece of kit to have when on the move. The interchangeable spools allows you to carry many different types of line to suit different waters. It allows you to change your line type to suit fast changing conditions, or the fish you have spotted at the different depth of water.

Q: Do I need to buy a fishing license to fish in the UK?

A: Yes, any fishing carried out in UK freshwater requires a rod license.

The license is split into two types:

- Non-migratory trout & course

- Salmon & sea trout

For more information, click here

Q: Where can I fish?

A: There are many great areas of fly fishing across the UK including the famous River Tweed, River Derwent, various chalk streams, and many acres of reservoir's and lakes offering great sport fishing with good stocks. Many waters across the UK are owned by clubs or private land owners who have the rights to fish certain 'beats' (a stretch of river). We recommend you have a look around your local area and search online for fishing locations.

Q: Can I take fish home to eat?

A: This depends on the rules of the water you are fishing. Many reservoirs and lakes offer a day ticket which includes a bag limit of fish. This indicates the number of fish you can take away from the water, typically ranging from a 1-6 fish limit. On river beats with wild fish, it is normal practice to operate a catch and release system which influences types and sizes of hooks used. This is in the interest of maintaining the quality and numbers of wild fish. In some well populated rivers, it is acceptable to take a brace but this should always be checked with the local bailiff.

Q: Do I need a landing net?

A: Yes, a net is essential to land the fish at the right moment. After a long battle, the last thing you want is to have the fish slip through your hands when trying to grab it. We feel it is also very important to hold your catch in the safe rubber mesh until energy is restored before releasing back into the flow.